Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My firstborn in the wilderness

Well, everyone, I have some big news: I have a daughter! I´m training my first ¨greenie¨, Hna. Aguero from Costa Rica, and let me just tell you all that I couldn't have been more lucky. She is an absolute doll and I´m not sure who´s training who because I feel like she's helping me remember all the good reasons for which I chose to be a missionary in the first place. And it doesn't hurt a bit that she also happens to be a huge country music fan and shares my affinity for Tim McGraw. This was designed in the heavens. I just know it. She speaks fluent English so we're practicing both languages. I've already got some good stories about this which I'm saving along with many others. I'm convinced that the time's going by so rapidly now that I'll be home in the ¨twinkling of an eye¨ and soon you'll all hear about these crazy adventures.

I think you all were aware of how hard the last transfer was but I've learned that I should never complain about unfavorable circumstances because you never know what the Lord has in store. And you don't receive a witness until after the trial of your faith, if I remember correctly. (Moroni was a smart man.)
I'm not naive enough to think that things are and will remain perfect, but I'm certainly grateful for this shower of blessings to remind me to stick it out through the hard times.

In other news, President is taking everyone out of our zone for the next week because los carnavales (a summer celebration) are about to begin, which means there will be crazy people in the streets trying to soak us with water...and other things. SO, we are being relocated for 1 week and you wouldn't believe where they're sending me: ARRAIJAN, LA DOS MIL--for those of you who don't remember (I'm thinking that's pretty much everyone) that was my very first area of the mission. It's been a dream of mine to go back there since I never got to say good bye to the members and I can't believe that a year later, after being trained there, I'll be DOING the training and revisiting all the people I met back when I had a rather limited Spanish vocabulary. I can finally take pictures, visit old investigators and families and talk to all those who didn't understand my gringo jibberish in my mission youth. I'm so excited :).

We have had some neat experiences this week as far as finding new people to teach goes. Next week, if and when I have the time, I'll tell you about the family I met when we robbed a green mango from their tree. Suffice it to say the Lord works in mysterious ways...

Hope you know how much I love you all and how grateful I am for each of you. Keep being good and we'll talk to you in MARCH.
Hna. Brewster

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