Monday, May 30, 2011

It's like living with a 6 year old

Happy Memorial Day, my dear family!

Or is that "Merry Christmas"? According to Mom, the snow fell in good ol' Utah today, so I don't know if you're all really in May or not--and practically June pretty soon here. Am I going to come home to one giant puddle in the basement? I worry about flooding. I really do. Well Merry Christmas, just the same :).

So you all know that I was sent back to my hometown of the mission and that it surprised me quite a bit, but I'm happy to say that I am loving it. I honestly feel like it's given me a preview of what going home for real will feel like because being back with my old ward members and families has made me feel very much at home. They're all fantastic and I don't think there's a better place for me to finish my mission. We also were able to set 3 different baptismal dates this last week, so we're working hard on "the harvest." I don't feel like I can take any credit at all for the good fortune we've had because it's really just the Lord's work and I'm in the middle of it. But I do love Arraijan! (that's my area, not a person.)

So a couple of days ago we were having a bit of a slow day and the morale wasn't up very high. We were going to go teach with a member in our ward and so that evening we waited for them in a park in front of the church. I felt tired, a little grumpy and not really in the mood to do anything, to be honest. It had been a long, unfruitful day. While we were sitting there, a little boy who was hanging around on the monkey bars caught our attention and started showing off for us. We applauded him for his acrobatic abilities and he came over to talk to us. He told us his name was "Jean" (as in Jean Valjean), he was 6-years-old and he lived right across the street (which explained why his mother wasn't around). We had a kick talking to him. I asked him how old he thought I was and he said, "like 25,000." I told him that was pretty close. For a 6-year-old he talked extremely well and he became our instant friend by making us laugh with his funny little kid witticisms. He saw our tags and asked what we did.
me: We teach people the gospel of Jesus Christ
Jean: huh?
Me: We go around talking to people about Jesus
Jean: Oh. Well, you can come talk to my mom about Jesus while she does her hair!

And then he proceeded to yank at our hands, insisting that we come over to his house immediately. His mom was a little embarrassed but she's a sweet young gal and could possibly be genuinely interested in the gospel...we have yet to see.

Anyway, I'm thankful that a 6'year'old reminded me how to be friendly, happy and fun with people I don't even know. I miss being a kid sometimes.

love you all! gotta go or the computer will kick me off...

Hna. Brewster

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