Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lo bueno lo malo y lo feo

Buenas TARDES familia!

Lo siento por no haberles escrito ayer.

We had a change in our district meeting for this week, so this is while you're all hearing from me late. Sorry to those of you whom I know are anxiously waiting at your computers round about midday to hear the recent haps in the Panama Mission.
First off, CONGRATULATIONS to Ben and Hilary (and Ella and Ethan) for the little boy that will be joining them this summer!!! I had a feeling it was going to be a boy. Don't know why. But I am very excited to come home and meet the two newest members of the family this summer and assure them that I AM the favorite aunt, though they don't know me :). What happy news.

So...remember how everything was bright and shiny and happy here in Santiago? Well the Lord has reminded me why there needs to be opposition in all things this past week. It was a toughy. My companion's been sick and I did divisions with the other sisters here (which meant I got to fulfill a mission-long dream of being Hna. Kennedy's companion for 2 days :)) but much of the time was spent at home. I don't like getting thrown off the groove but this is what I get for thinking that I'd mastered the virtue of patience...turns out I'm still lacking in that one. There have been other little curveballs from Satan thrown this week but I'd prefer to focus on the good stuff. It was really a neat experience teaching with Hna. Kennedy just shortly after both of us had completed a year of being in the mission. When we walked out of a particularly good lesson about the Restoration, I turned to her and said, "Would you have believed a year ago while we were in the MTC thinking that we'd never learn Spanish that we'd be here side by side right now teaching like we just did?" It really was neat to note the difference. Clearly, the neatest part was witnessing the changes that are taking place in the lives of the people we're teaching because nothing's more gratifying than to teach simple truths and watch the dawning comprehension that comes into people's faces as we explain things they once knew a long time ago. Next week I'll have to tell you all more about a few of our investigators specifically--particularly Hna. Kenia and Hna. Mixi. They're incredible. The only roadblock we have is that neither one of them is married...kind of a biggie but we're working on it.

Anywho, happy February and thank you for your prayers and love.

Love you all,
Hna. Brewster

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