(Yeah...hope you all got a good laugh at my grammatical error in the package I sent home. My English is no so good...)
¡Buuuuuuuuueeenos Dias, familia!
Today I am writing to you all from a beautiful place called Santiago, my new area, which rests peacefully in the middle of Panama where the deer and the antelope play. Okay, I've never seen a deer or antelope, but we are in farm town here and I am absolutely LOVING it! Santiago is like a dream--in some ways it actually reminds me of the cabin. I'm surrounded by beautiful trees, rolling hills, happy farm folk and slightly--ever so slightly--cooler weather. My new companion is Hna. Brenes from Costa Rica and she's fantastic. She loves to talk (like the Latina version of Natalie--and I mean that in a good way) and she's still fairly new in the mission so she's so enthusiastic and optimistic about everthying we do and already I've seen some amazing things happen in my short time here. I think I've done more service in 5 days here than in my whole mission before! We're always finding people to help because they're much poorer here. Did I mention that I love it? Also, another thing to add to the "pro" list, we are living in a gorgeous rat-free apartment with a pair of other sisters, one of which happens to be Hna. Kennedy, one of my best buddies from the MTC! And living right next door to us is a senior couple, the Robisons, whom I have also fallen in love with. Yesterday Sister Robison made FUNERAL POTATOES. You can't possibly understand the immensity of my joy upon eating that little plateful of food. Needless to say, life is good. We're already working with a family that wants to be baptized by the end of this month and there are several other positive investigators who are expressing some true interest. I keep waiting for the catch...
I do miss parts of my last area, of course. Sister Bloomfield ran into our Colombian family at the Super Market the other day and they say they want her to come by and visit. I think it's only out of friendship, though. The girl we had been teaching, Jenny, now has a date set for baptism, which of course is excellent news.
By now you've all heard that I decided to extend until August, so I'm hoping everyone is getting work off and such so that we can all hit up the cabin together that next week (I get home on the 11th and the week after we leave, Dad says.) If I sound trunky, I blame the music that was playing on the 2 hour ride into Chitre this morning: Abba's "Chiquitita"--but all in Spanish. Hna. Brenes told me her parents aboslutely loved ABBA and I said, "What a coincidence..."
Glad to hear that things are going well for all of you. Still don't know what Hilary's having, right? Boy or Girl? ("Gosh, I hope so.") My congrats to Jessica on the news of her twins and to Amy on their baby girl who's on her way. The fam's flourishing.
I feel so lucky to be here teaching the gospel right now in Panama and I thank you all for your constant prayers, letters, encouragement and support. I wouldn't waste my time preaching something I didn't know with certainty to be true if I had to be away from all of you for this long (p.s. one year on Thursday). I love the gospel.
les quiero mucho,
Hna. Brewster
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