Hey Family!
I´ve got some big news: guess who´s now companions with a GRINGA? Me! We had changes last week and my new comp is Sister Bloomfield who´s most recently from Texas (family moves around a lot--like Pessettos). She´s awesome and I can´t tell you how fun it´s been being with somebody who appreciates sarcasm and certain food cravings :). The funny thing is that she is white blond, absolutely gorgeous and we can´t go anywhere without someonewhistling or often times proposing. The subject line was something someone told her recently. The funny thing is that people think I´M the Latina now and will direct their comments toward me in the lessons even though Hna. Bloomfield´s been out much longer and speaks Spanish better. It´s been fun, itreally has. She´s a great missionary--and we have plans to celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving and (possibly) Christmas, if we´re still comps by then. SCORE.
We had a baptism this weekend in Marcasa. Did I ever tell you about Presbitero? He´s a special guy. We had contacted him in our apartment building a month ago and we´ve been teaching him for about a month. I can´t really explain about him right now but he and his family definitely hold a special place in our hearts. His whole family showed up dressed in their Sunday best to his baptism (we´re trying to teach them too...just got to find them all at home one day).
We also had to speak yesterday, which for me was about the 9th time or something. It´s gotten to the point where I just get up there and talk. Didn´t think I´d ever be one to do that but I guess you get used to it after a while. Maybe I just have more confidence in my Spanish talks than my English ones. Idunno.
There are some great investigators that we´re teaching rightnow and I have afeeling that November will be a great month. Keep praying for the missionaries.
Thanks for the prayers and all the love. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Sister Brewster
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