Monday, April 26, 2010

Que sopa?

Oh my dear family,
Congrats to Angie and Dad on the good news!! :) :) :) I was so happy to get Mom and Dad´s email about that. Sounds like the fam is doing well and being provided for, which I´m very much grateful for (but not surprised by).
How much I love and miss you all! But things are going well, so don´t worry about me. This week was...well, it was one of those ¨This proves you´re a true missionary" weeks, according to Hna. Tracy. We didn´t have a whole lot of luck with our contacts or investigators. I don´t know if it´s because the rain´s starting to come and people are just particularly gloomy, but it seemed like we were being rejected left and right as we waded through muddy streets and had appointments fall through. The saddest thing of all was when Hna. Domitila (I mentioned her in my first email) backed out of her baptism on Saturday. That nearly broke our hearts but we still believe she´ll come around if we just work with her.
But lest you should think that I´m sunk into the pits of despair, I should mention that a number of really good things have happened too. Even though Domitila backed out, we still had another baptism on Saturday, a 14-year-old boy named Donal. I do1t know if I´m mentioned him before or not, but his older brother is a member and they have an amazing little family. The parents, though...not so amazing. Basically they´ve raised themselves..but I don´t want to talk about that right now because it´s a bit of a downer. Back to the baptism: It was a beautiful service! Hna. Tracy and I sang "asombro me da" (I stand all amazed). I figured you´d be impressed by that, Mom and Dad. The nice thing about being in a Latin American country is that I feel like a really good singer here, so there´s no fear :). Anyway, it was a really neat experiene and one that I know I can´t fully convey through an e-mail, but I´ll send you the pictures (as soon as I figure out how to do that). You´re going to love this little family! They are truly amazing.
Also, we set another baptismal date with one of our investigators named Michelle who´s 14 (what is it about the 14 year olds?). We read 3 Nefi 11 with her and at the end I extended the baptismal invitation to her, which she accepted! It´s really a shame that I can´t tell you all the details right now but I promise some day you´ll get the full account. Just know that good things are happening and I´m privileged to be a part of it. (Still need your prayers, though, so keep ´em coming :)).
By the way, I guess I forgot to mention such details as the name of my actual area and what not. My bad! My zone is Arraijan and my area is called Dos Mil. It´s about 20 minutes outside of the city, so we´ve got good, clean water (when the water works, that is...we are often showering with buckets) and our house is not too shabby. OH-we had mission conference last week, too, and guess who I got to see: Hna. Graham and Hna. Kennedy, my dear pals from the MTC!!! Oh what a joyous occasion that was :). always, my time is abysmally short and I feel like I´ve only given you a peek at the many things that have happened since arriving here in this beautiful, very warm country. (p.s. Panamanian Spanish is its own language. I kid you not. I hear people from Guatemala and Peru that I can understand just fine, but here? Nope. Don´t get it. But I´m learning!)
Things are chuggin´along. I´m laughing at myself daily. Life is good.
Much love to you all!
Hna. Braooohstair (how they say my name)
p.s. if you ever feel the need to send church music or something like that...well, I won´t stop you :)
p.p.s. Ang, one of my friends in our ward, Cristian Conte, added me on FB, I guess. he´s going to put up pictures, so if you could add him, that´d be swell. Gracias, mi querida hermana :)

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