Monday, April 26, 2010


Howdy y`all!
As always, it feels like an entire life´s worth of events have occured since the last email, so I´ll do my best to fill you in. But you´re only really going to get a taste of things. Sorry!
So this week was pretty jam-packed. The best and most excited news is that we had a huge baptismal service as a zone on Saturday and two of our investigators, 11 year old Christian and 9 year old Josalyn (brother and sister), were baptized. I wish you could meet their little family. Your hearts would melt. I think my favorite part was when Josalyn looked right at me before going under the water and she had the biggest grin on her face. She´s a special little girl. I promise someday I´ll send you those pictures I promised and maybe I can give a better account of things on Mother´s Day when I get to call (Whoa...only two weeks away??).
Since our zone met our goal of 14 baptisms, the president is supposedly going to allow us to go do a session at the temple, so I´m pretty excited for that! I just hope it actually happens.
Last week we had exchanges for a day, too, and that was actually quite a thrill :). Hna. Zamora from Honduras was my comp for a day and so that was my first experience being with someone who spoke only Spanish. It actually went really well! Well, okay, it went well until I turned the light off while she was saying her nightly prayers and she screamed, ¨Ahhhhhh!!¨¨ That´s when I learned that Latinas don´t like to pray with the lights off. And there are other cultural differences that are pretty funny too: don´t shower at night time because it makes your bones brittle, don´t sit on a warm sidewalk because your body will get inflamed and soak your clothes for 3 days to ensure maximum cleanliness. I smile at these things :). Culture cracks me up sometimes. Oh, how much more I could say on that subject...but for another day! But that experience really was neat and it actually built my confidence up a lot. I´m grateful for it.
Things here are going well. We only have one more week left of this transfer and then I´m pretty sure my trainer will go to a new area and I´ll be staying here in Arraijan, though I can´t be positive. I´d be all right with that, though, because I feel like I´m really starting to get familiar and comfortable with the area. Everyone says our area is an elders´area because there are so many steep hills and mountains to climb, but I personally love it. Keeps me young--even if I´m extremely gross and sweaty at the end of the day .) (you should see my tan lines--they´re awesome!).
Anywho, I am out of time. I hope everyone enjoys little Taylor´s baby blessing and that you take lots of pictures for me! Love you all!
Hermana Brew (this is what I´m telling people to call me now. Brewster is just entirely too difficult.)

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