Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My first week in DAH-BEED

Hey Fam!

Greetings from the very beautiful area that is David, Panama (pronounced ¨Dah-BEED¨). Seriously, I can´t believe how gorgeous it is here! Right now I´m in a touristy place called Boquete and it´s the craziest thing but I feel like I´m back in Germany...everything is green, it´s COLD (very very rare here...feeling weird...) and there are mountains with Europeanish houses. It´s crazy! I´ll snap some photos for you. (My area´s called Lassonde, but we´re here in Boquete for P-day.)
Anyway, I´m loving my new area and my companion´s awesome. She´s trying to learn English from me and I´m trying to work on my accent with her. We have lots of fun going back and forth with different things to say. It feels good to be laughing so much again. I sort of missed that in my last change. Our zone is great--there are tons of gringos including my friend from the MTC, Hna. Ochs! I´m feeling very at home here.

In the way of events back home, let me just wish a happy late father´s day to Dad (I hear you wore the tie to church--did the bishop get mad? ,)), happy birthday to Ethan last week and happy birthday to Logan this week! I´m thinking of you all, don´t worry.

As far as the work goes here, the hardest thing we have to deal with is time management because our area is HUGE and Panamanians really love to talk, so we don´t get as many lessons in as I´d like, but I´m ealing with it. I´m just glad that the people are kind and receptive for the most part. We´ve got one investigator, 20 year old Edilka, who really wants to get baptized but she´s having problems with her family about that because they are pure 7th day adventists. It´s rough. We´re praying for her, though. Keep a good thought.

I said the hardest thing we had to deal with was time management but I should also mention that the world cup has proved to be a bit of an inconvenience as well. The whole world is watching soccer! (Except for me...which is REALLY difficult, by the way...but 1 Cor. 10:13 helps me with that one :) ). I think by the end of July things will have calmed down a bit.

I love my new ward and I´m hoping that I get a chance to be here longer than just 6 weeks because so far I´ve just been moved all over the place. The Hermanas I came with have only had 1 or 2 areas and companions at the most and I´ve had FOUR. I feel like a shoe that doesn´t fit...hopefully I fit here! I wouldn´t mind staying here for a while. We´re far away from the rest of the missionaries, so it´s likely they won´t move me for a while. But then I´ve learned I can never predict anything here, so who knows?

Hope you´re all doing well. Love you!

Hna. Brewster

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